Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Credible Sources

Hi dear sisters,

My pastor, Barry Cameron, of Crossroads Christian Church, in Grand Prairie, Texas, has just begun preaching through the Gospel of Luke.*  I love it when Pastor Barry preaches through a book.  I marvel at the timing of the sermons with events happening.  I love how easy he make it to understand the Word of God. I love how he preaches the entire Word and does not hesitate to preach the Truth.

I also have begun Bible journaling and am enjoying the length of time it takes me during the creative process.  Through this time I think about and meditate on the Scripture given.  I am amazed at how much I am learning through this process.

I have been meditating on Luke 1:1-4 (since this was the first sermon of the new series).

1Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us  , 2just as those who from the beginning were eye witnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught. (ESV)

As a lover of research, I love how Luke researched.  I love how Luke determined to write an orderly account.  I knew what I wanted to journal in my Bible but was unsure about how to journal it.  I sure didn't want to use the CRAAP test in my Bible.  I found the CARS test and it works quite well.  

Another event happened today.  Someone commented on Facebook about a devotional book and how it didn't quite line up with her Bible.  Again I thought, "Do I apply either the CRAAP test or the CARS test to the resources I use as I study the Bible?  Is there credibility, reliability, authority, accuracy, and purpose?  Is the material supported by the Word of God?

I work hard in my vocation to teach students and teachers how to find good, reputable resources for their research.  Do I do the same as I seek out materials for Bible study?  I should.  My research regarding the Word of God has eternal consequences.  My research should be more important than anything I could do for an earthly assignment. 

Therefore, my sisters, let us make sure we are sharpening our Swords of Truth on a daily basis.  Let us make sure we are using devotional materials which are validated by the Word of God and not using the word of the world.



*Pastor Barry Cameron's messages can be found on the Crossroads Christian Church website @ http://www.crossroadschristian.org/.  If you are unable to attend your local church check out our live streaming broadcasts as well.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

In the Wilderness

I am in love with this man.  I am committed to this man.  He loves me with his whole heart and has been there for me through all the years of our marriage.

I often describe him as the rock to my kite.  He helps keep me grounded and I help him dream and soar.

Moreover, this man amazes me.  He reads through his Bible every year, journaling most days.  Last year he read through three Bibles, one for him and one for each of our oldest grandchildren.  He has been faithful to his Lord, Jesus Christ.

However, he is now in a wilderness.  This wilderness disturbs him.  This wilderness also coincides with a strengthening and a wakening in my heart for a closer Bible study and more time with God.  Is this really a coincidence?  I think not.  That evil serpent, Satan, is attacking.  God must really have big plans for us for this attack to be going on.  Of course He does.  Otherwise, there would be no reason for Satan to attack.  The very last thing that Satan wants is for us to be totally, 100%, without-a-doubt committed to the Lord.  And when we have that commitment as a couple Satan attacks even more violently because TWO are being attacked.

So what do I do, as the helpmeet to this man?  I pray.  I encourage.  I share what I am learning.  I pray.  I encourage.  I share what I am learning.  I pray.  I encourage.

Most important, I allow him time in the wilderness.  He needs this time to refocus.  He needs this time to realize that Jesus loves him no matter what.  He needs this time to remember that Jesus will never ever ever ever ever leave him.  I pray.  I encourage.  I pick up my Sword and battle and I wait.

And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him -- a threefold cord is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:12

Therefore, my sisters, remember the men in your life with prayer.  They need us to lift them up.


Monday, December 7, 2015

As Marcie Would Say

Going through old letters, I came upon this treasure.  You could call this a guest posting, written by my beloved Grandma, Nell Aileen Nichols, fall, 1980.  Included with the letter were newspaper clippings and coupons she accidentally included in the envelope.  She loved to clip her papers!
"Debbie Doll,
That’s what I say when I pass and notice one of your portraits.  'Hi!  Debbie, Doll.'  Nothing new since we had such an enjoyable talk with you last week.
To church yesterday and heard one more of John’s good, good sermons, on John 12:17-26.  He is really phenomenal in his ability to show over and over that there is no end to what one can see and hear in any passage of Scripture – no matter how familiar it is to us.  Sometimes just by the inflection of John’s voice or the emphasis given to a phrase in a verse will bring me to started attention and almost aloud sometimes I’ll say, “I never saw that before!”  Twice yesterday.
Makes me think of a pastor’s wife we had back in the 40’s.  One time rather peevishly, she said, “Why do you and Mrs. Ingman always seem to want to teach out of the Old Testament?  I know all there is to know in the New Testament, but I don’t get a bit of sense out of the Old.”
Can you believe that?  A pastor’s wife and admitting the O.T. part and bragging about the N.T. part?  They were not new in the ministry either — they were grandparents.
Sometime in the 50’s her health failed and she was in bed for a long time. Once I was able to visit her and she had dozens of books stacked around where she could reach them — mostly devotional type ones and when I commented on some and asked about others she said, “Nell, I never look at my books and think of what I’ve learned in the last 10 years without thinking of you and being ashamed.”
Well, that was news to me so I waited and she went on, “I hope you’ve forgotten, but I haven’t, that awful self-righteous, ignorant remark I made to you one time years ago in Douglas about teaching in the O.T. and how I didn’t need that, because I know all about the New T.”
Well, she said a lot more — evidently the Lord did a job on her while she was down and it took, but it also taught me that no one dares to even think, let alone say, that their capacity for learning has been filled.
The question in my mind then was what made her remember that old remark and for so many years.  They left us shortly after that.
Now why did I write all that above?  Oh!  Well! as Marcie would say.
Nice letter from your dad Sat.  Written earlier in the week.  Cozette wrote much more than usual.  Sounded happy.
Windy & coolish to-day.  Very sunny, blue skies.
Hope Enterprise is the same.
This post was originally published on June 17, 2010.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, ...

This post was originally published on July 1, 2010.  
For what do we wait?
  • School to start (or end)
  • Special date (anniversary, birthday, Christmas)
  • Birth of a child
  • Marriage
  • Job
Right now I’m in the “job waiting” period of life.  I have tried to hasten God’s timetable by emailing and calling to find out status of job.  This morning, as I continued the Sweeter Than Chocolate Bible study of Hebrews 11, God got my attention!!
Notice verses 13-16 (NIV)
13All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. 14People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. 15If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
God’s timetable?  Hah!  I’ve been trying to rush Him.  My Lord will not be rushed.  I need to learn from the story of Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham.  I am pausing, I am waiting, I trust God’s timetable.
My sisters, are you anxious?  Are you waiting on God?  Are you rushing the timetable?  What immediate peace I feel when I say to my Lord, “God, according to your good, pleasing, and perfect will, I trust that YOUR timetable is perfect and I submit to YOU.”
Therefore, my sisters, place your day, week, month, and years in the Lord’s hands.  He is able and willing to reveal His plans for you, according to HIS schedule.
Gillaspie, Pam. “Sweeter than Chocolate – Hebrews 11.” Bible Study/Bible Study Tools.   Precept Ministries, 2009. Web. 1 July 2010.
Klein, Zach. Weekly Schedule. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 31 Oct. 2006. Web. 1 July 2010.  <http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachklein/284926479/&gt;.

Wisdom from the Great Nephew

This post was originally published on August 3, 2010.  I have since migrated to a new platform.

Continually, God amazes me with how He uses everyday life to get my attention.  Lately, my attention has been riveted to an almost 3 year old who now lives in my house.  (His birthday month is “Tember” as he told me last night.)
Eric takes pleasure in almost everything.  I have learned he is also soaking up everything around him.  Casual phrases have to be watched.  Dangerous items have to be moved.  He will open every bottle he can find.  (Yesterday morning it was a bottle of purple folk art paint left on the coffee table.  Fortunately, there was only paint on Eric.)
Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.”  Light is a lot like Eric.  It penetrates every part it reaches.  My heart already has expanded with love for this little guy.  I am still working on adjusting the demands of my day for him.  I seem to get NOTHING accomplished!  I have to be very quiet when I awake in the a.m. or Eric is also up with the chickens.
Our television watching habits have changed.  We watch very little, having no converter box nor satellite.  We mostly watch crime shows and movies.  (Hulu.com and Netflix are great tools.)  I can almost quote Monsters, Inc.  I have also learned how absorbed a child gets with a television on.  Without the television on, he will play and play and play.  Put in a movie and he becomes a zombie.
I am reminded of Philippians 4:8,  “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (NIV)
Conversations are changed.  Adult discussions occur when Eric is asleep or in the bedroom with his mommy, my precious niece Noelle.
And so I began thinking, why are the changes necessary?  Does this mean I can’t watch television anymore unless it is appropriate for children?  (Much of what is “appropriate for children” is still garbage!)  My standard should be Philippians 4:8.  If what I watch, read, listen to, say, is not right, I should not watch, read, listen to, or say it.
What has become interesting about this entire process of studying God’s Word and applying the lessons to my life is that I do not miss what I formerly thought I could not miss!  Oscar and I still enjoy some crime shows.  We still enjoy going to movies on a Saturday morning (when tickets are much cheaper).  We still enjoy reading and listening to books.  However, we both have found we avoid filling our minds and ears and eyes with garbage.
As for my niece Noelle?  She is a wonderful, Christian mother.  She shows concern about what her son watches and to what he listens.  She admonishes adults about conversations (in a gentle, loving way).  She teaches Eric to behave and teaches manners.  She is in church and he happily goes to “Train School” each Sunday.
My life may have been turned upside down this summer with Eric’s arrival (and his mommy’s).  God is using this little boy to show his Aunt "Dabbie" how He wants His light to penetrate every corner of my life.
Therefore, my sisters, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

The Proverbs 31 Woman

This post was originally published on August 5, 2011.  I have since migrated to this platform.

Ladies, you know that woman, right?  She’s the one who rises before dawn, takes care of her family, runs a business, has a spotless house, takes care of everyone else?  I let someone else advise me about her.  Solomon was writing about his mother-in-law.  Consequently, I have been thinking, “That’s not the wife.  That’s the mother-in-law.”
THEN God spoke to me, “You ARE a mother-in-law, too, my child.”  I have two precious daughters, given to me by my two amazing sons.
Am I teaching them?  Could they write anything like this about me?
God means for us to be women of excellence, women of virtue, women who strive for the best.  Thank you, Lord, for Megan and Regan.

Kaylee Elizabeth
On May 15, 2011, I received a gift from the Lord.  I became a grandmother, Nona, to this precious baby girl.  What am I teaching her by having a cluttered house, dishes in the sink ALL the time, unmade beds?  I want to teach her to be a “virtuous woman.”
My prayer for Kaylee?
That she love the Lord, her God, with all her heart.  That she see in her Nona and her Grouch their love for Jesus and for her.
I want to lead by example.
Therefore, my sisters, be aware of those around you.  Are you showing Jesus, to the littlest of all?  Is there clutter in your life which needs to be pruned?  Is Jesus first?  Can your “in-laws” say, “Our mother-in-law is a virtuous woman?”

Lord, help me.  Prune me.  Mold me to be the woman you want me to be.
